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About Avant-Garden Upcycling & Homemade

Avant-Garden Upcycling & Homemade is a space where you can find out about and order upcycled, pre-loved and handmade products to reuse and to adore. From beeswax wraps to crayon rolls, reclaimed furniture to paintings and sketches and more.


Since starting school at age five, I have been an enthusiast for recycling, reducing waste and making do and mending (the last aim passed on from my parents and my grandparents). My creative tendencies also led me to achieve a Graphic Design degree and years of experience in marketing. Since having a family I have dabbled in freelance design and I have worked in education roles; always trying to promote the natural world, its resources and 'the eco life'.


So, now, like many of us out there, I find myself trying to become more efficient with time and with resources; combining my love of learning skills with the aim to live a more 'eco life' ...and voila! Here we are at Avant-Garden.


Why the name 'Avant-Garden'?

Wikipedia says:

The term 'Avant Garde' was originally used by the French military to refer to a small reconnoitre group that scouted ahead of the main force. It also became associated with left-wing French radicals in the nineteenth century who were agitating for political reform. At some point in the middle of that century the term was linked to art through the idea that art is an instrument for social change.


I liked the idea of scouting ahead of the main group to discover new things. With climate change pushing eco life to the fore, it is an exciting time to try new ways of doing things and to encourage the green movement through our culture. Many of my products are made with the environment in mind and so it seemed appropriate to highlight the natural element of many of the creations that will be developed and that will be kind to Earth's 'garden'.


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